Posted by Emily Foster Wise on 29th Nov 2021
Countdown to the 12 Days of Christmas: Christmas Tree Pillow Decoration
Author's Note: We are so excited to share this Christmas Tree pillow, originally published in 2018, as part of our 2021 Countdown to the 12 Days Christmas! This pattern is just an amazing and fast way to start decorating for the Christmas season! Come back on December 1st for 12 ALL NEW tutorials!
My mother has a Christmas tree pillow in our home growing up that she made herself, and I have always wanted to have one of our own. As I was making this one, I pulled out my ric rac and was trying to think of how to incorporate it, and my mom reminded me that her tree had ric rac in the seams of the tree! I will definitely try this on my next one, because this is a new tradition for our family.
This pattern comes in three sizes.
Small is approximately 9",
Medium is 11.5", and the
Large tree is 13.5".
Materials Needed:
- Woven Fabric (see below)
- Sewing Machine and basic sewing supplies
- Cutting mat and rotary cutter or scissors
- Polyfil stuffing
- Needle and thread for hand sewing
- Tree Template you can download here.
Fabric Requirements are based on using three different fabric:
Small Tree: 7/8 yard total
Medium Tree: 1 1/8 yard total
Large Tree: 1 1/4 yard total
Seam allowance will be 3/8".
Let's get started!
Step 1: Fold your fabric in half and place the pattern piece on the fold. Cut out your tree and repeat 5 times for a total of 6 tree templates cut out. You can mix and match different fabrics.
I used three fabrics, but mix and match more or have a solid tree for many creative options!
Step 2: Place two pieces right sides together and leave about 6 inches open at the bottom.
Step 3: Clip all the corners and curves so they turn out nicely.
Turn the tree right side out and repeat with the other 5 trees.
Step 4: Press your trees and the seam allowance at the opening in 3/8" so it will be easier to close at the end.
Step 5: Place all three trees together and sew down the middle, making sure to backstitch at the beginning and the end.
Step 6: Now it is time to stuff! Use a blunt ended tool like a dowel rod or chopstick to make sure the ends are stuffed. When you are finished stuffing all the parts of the tree, you will and hand sew the openings closed. I recommend using a ladder stitch.
And you're done! What a fun Christmas tree in three sizes to pull out each year with your family decorations. It will be a passed down treasure for sure.
I also will be buying extra fabric for next year's Christmas dresses so I have enough to make them matching trees and remember their Christmas dresses for years to come. What other great ideas so you have for your Christmas tree pillow decoration?
Here are some inspirational trees from our amazing testers! We cannot wait to see what you create!

Please share your beauties with us and come hang out in our Facebook Group or on Instagram @CKCPatterns.
SEW Inspired ~ Emily